Monday, December 15, 2008

Seven Dubious Reasons to Reject an Ancient Creation (MP3) by Hill Roberts - 2/1/07

• The Reasons to Believe Huntsville Alabama Chapter met from 7:00 to 8:30 PM, Thursday, February 1, at Whitesburg Baptist Church, North Campus, 6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, Alabama.• This meeting had scheduled Dr. Mark Whorton to give the first of a two part series on the topic "Seven Dubious Reasons to Reject an Ancient Creation." This talk was to be a point by point rebuttal of an article by Dr. Terry Mortenson of Answers In Genesis on "Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years." (You may review the article at ) The reasons given by Mortenson include that the Bible teaches a six 24-hour day creation, Noah's flood denies old creation, Jesus was a young-earth creationist, old creation undermines the Bible and is not scientific and radiometric dating does not prove millions of years. Also Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts addressed this article while hosting the August 1, 2006, RTB webcast, Creation Update. This webcast may be re-played at Hill Roberts & Mark Whorton serve as 8/1/06 Creation Update scholar team.Mark Whorton was not able to be at the February 1, 2007 meeting, so Hill Roberts spoke instead. He used an interesting twist on the "Seven Reasons" idea, passing out copies of Mortenson's article. He wrote on a whiteboard rather than using Power Point projection. On one side he listed the "seven reasons." Rather than refute the reasons, he approached some background and theological positions and listed them on the other side of the board. These points were taken from the last two paragraphs of Mortensen's article and are listed as follows:* God's word - final authority, authority of scripture* Character of God* Doctrine of death* Genesis is literal history* Faith in the rest of the Bible - salvation - morality

The presentation was quite thought provoking.• Hill Roberts has BS and MS degrees in physics. He is Chief Scientist at SRS Technologies, a local aerospace/defense company, and has numerous peer reviewed scientific publications. He has extensive experience in scientific based Christian apologetics as the leader of the Lord, I Believe ministry. Hill is a former elder at Weatherly Heights Church of Christ where he worships.