Monday, November 16, 2009

The Multiverse: Who’s Afraid? (MP3) by Dr. Jeff Zweerink - 11/5/09

Dr. Jeffrey Zweerink discussed the issues of faith related to the science and philosophy of multiple universes. Multiple Universe theory continues to gain popularity among the scientific community as an explanation for the origin of the universe. Dr. Zweerink’s presentation was based upon his book “Who’s Afraid of the Multiverse?” and explained that the multiverse is not an enemy to Christian Faith. In fact, it may be a useful ally. He interacted with us through an Internet connection with Reasons to Believe in California.

Dr. Zweerink is an astrophysicist with a PhD from Iowa State University, specializing in high energy gamma-ray astrophysics. He serves as a research scholar at Reasons to Believe and is a part-time physics and astronomy research faculty member at UCLA. He has co-authored more that 30 papers in refereed journals and as well as numerous articles in conference proceedings.